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Friday, June 10, 2005

The Portico

While at the Nashville Emergent Convention last month, I ran in to many great folks, including at least forty Presbyterians. Among them was Rodger Sellers who heads up a New Church Development in Charlotte, NC, called The Portico. What is unique is that it is an emerging/emergent church (I love spiral stairs to a door image at their homepage). I know that emergent Presbyterian sounds like an oxymoron (not unlike Kansas City Royals baseball) but I met Rodger and heard about it first hand. I call it “Emergyterian.” (Seems somehow better than Presbygent.) Can the Second Coming be far behind?

Furthermore, if you want to learn what a really cool guy I am, you need to visit his Blog RPS. After reading it, I have decided I would really like to meet myself some day. Fact is, some of us talk about the emerging church and others of us write about it. Rodger and The Portico are doing it! Lets pray for the Portico community and look forward to what they will have to teach us about being the Church in this century.

Finally, Rodger is heading up a project to start an emerging Presbyterian (grammar checker keeps telling me I can’t place these two words together) website called AlwaysBeingReformed.org. It is not fully operational yet but I have it listed under my links so you can keep checking on the progress.

Okay, I lied. The final finally. Are there any other Reformed/Presbyterian emergent communities out there? It would be great to get connected so we can all learn from each other.


At June 10, 2005 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks you doth protest too much re: what a cool guy you are! I call those like I see (or read) them!

One correction. We actually are a Charlotte community. Our "Basement" meeting space is only about a mile from the center of downtown Charlotte. Unfortunately, we're listed "officially" as a Davidson church simply because our budget constraints mean that our offical mailing address (and our office, such as it is) are at my home out here in the boon docks! (When I presented our commitment to a "shoestring" initial budget, little did I know how quickly everyone would jump at that part of our proposal!)

Keep writing! And I'll keep sending folks that way!



At June 11, 2005 12:13 AM, Blogger Michael Kruse said...

Woops! Went back a changed it to Charlotte.



At June 13, 2005 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, did you go to the presentation that McLaren did? If you did, my friend Tony Peterson was a cohort in crime (so far as I know) on that one. But no, he's not presby. He goes to church with the refugees from the PCUSA, namely us.

At April 21, 2014 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your site is being blocked by google and many other search engines! i dont support you or your ideas! but i do support free speech! im in canada and that might be the problem or your host provider doesnt cross borders. i was getting your site and was sharing a couple of things with friends! 24 hours later i couldnt access from google or dogpile or just bing! was your site down for easter long weekend?


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