Welcome to Kruse Kronicle
I am Michael Kruse. I have decided to begin a blog, partly at the request of others, but mostly to connect with those who can relate to the journey I find myself on.
I was born in 1959. Raised in an Evangelical tradition, I swerved into mainline Christianity via the Presbyterian Church USA as a young adult. Still, I have never felt in sync with any institutional expression of the Church I have encountered in USAmerica.
At the same time, I have witnessed a dramatic collapse of institutional Church. Cohorts that once were faithful attendees no longer are. They haven’t changed in their attitude toward God. They simply can’t connect what they know of God with church institutions. Some have begun meeting outside of existing structures to explore how to be a Christ centered community. They fit the mold of what many are calling the Emerging Church.
Meantime, in 2004, I was elected to the denominational board of the Presbyterian Church (USA) called the General Assembly Council. I have the distinct privilege to participate in, and see the operation of, a mainline denomination in this chaotic period in history. It gives me a unique perspective that I could not have had from other denominational or faith oriented activities I have participated in.
Finally, I am a visionary. I am compelled to discern order, knowledge and wisdom from what I see happening in the world. If I have something along the way that connects with you, that will be satisfaction for me. Agree or disagree, I welcome your thoughts along this journey. Mostly, I am just looking for some good conversation along the way.
Welcome to Kruse Kronicle!
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